Friday, April 29, 2011
Bimbo's initiation
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Madden 12: Vick or Hillis
For this week, I chose the voting feature ESPN has put out for the next installment in the Madden Series. Madden has been the most popular football game in the last couple decades (yeah its been a while). They usually feature a high profiled athlete on the cover of each edition. This year, the cover was up to the viewer to vote for in a tournament like process with 32 athletes. As the "tournament" played out, the two remaining finalists are Michael Vick of the Philadelphia Eagles and Peyton Hillis of the Cleveland Browns.
What is a bit remarkable is that Vick is still in the competition after all of his struggles. And to think that PETA was trying to protest Vick being in contention for the cover is pretty remarkable. Personally, I do not know how you can ban the guy from the voting just because he has paid his time. He spent 2 years of his life in jail and has done everything to indicate that he has changed and is attempting to change even more. He had a stellar season winning the AP comeback player of the year and going to another ProBowl. Furthermore, it is up to the fans to vote who is on the cover and clearly Vick has a large fan support. The game will be played by the fans who are not all PETA advocists. All in all, Vick not only deserves to be in the field of 32 in contention, but deserves to be on the Cover.
Ps. Voting ends today and it will be announced on Sportsnation... Vote Vick.
Kim Kardashian Sketcher's Commercial
Kim Kardashian is famous for her gorgeous body. She has curves, she has a tight body and she is beautiful. This is all shown in this commercial. From her tight shorts, to her tight sports bra to her “glistening” body, she is being completely eroticized in this short commercial. Except, this commercial is about Sketcher’s workout shoes. The object being advertised is now sexualized through the images. Workout shoes are the opposite of sexy, but this commercial tells us otherwise. When I think of sketcher’s, I think of sparkly shoes I used to wear growing up as a child. Never once did I think of adults when I though of Sketcher’s brand. The company is obviously trying to change their image to focus on targeting an older, cooler audience. To do this, they need to use the visual stimulation of the female body. Her body is the visual display for the erotic gaze by male watchers, and women are the watchers as well as they want to look liker her. The idea of visual pleasures work. This commercial was shown during the 2011 Super Bowl. This game is anything but sexy, as the reading states the viewers need breaks from the film/show/game at hand. Showing this sexy commercial, viewer’s have a “sexual get-away” in their mind’s with the sexy commercial.
Too Many Hats
Playstation Network Compromised
The Madden NFL 2012 Cover Dilemma
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
After 1 Year, Lost Continues To Amaze

Every so often, a television show comes along and it changes the game for the rest of the shows in that genre. The Sopranos revolutionized the cable drama, The Simpsons was and continues to be a game changer for broadcast comedies and cartoons and Lost set the bar for every drama on broadcast television that has come after it. It has been almost a year now since Lost aired its 3-hour epic series finale, and the show’s impact is still being felt. Sure, there are critics of the way it ended, how some mysteries were left unanswered, but the impact that the show had on not only the way that television is made and presented, but consumed and followed by the fans is nothing short of revolutionary. Lost created a cultural phenomenon during its airtime and that continues even after its conclusion. If you watched it as it aired, every episode had a week’s worth of discussion online in message boards, with friends and family, and the following was vast and loyal. The show rewarded this following with a smart, suspenseful, action-packed drama that was truly transcendent. I think that the cultural impact that Lost had is something that all shows are trying to reach for now and it is amazing that a simple television show can have such a large impact on people’s lives. I know first person the impact that this television show could have on someone’s life, as I was one of the loyal followers, discussing and debating week to week, and Lost continues to amaze me even a year removed from its end.
Keepin' Up the "PACE"
So in honor of tonight’s phenomenal Bulls win, I think it would only be appropriate to talk about D. Rose and the rest of the gang’s move into the second round of the playoffs. Maybe I’m just excited to write about this topic because I just got home from the game (with no voice left, whatsoever). Anyways, for those non-basketball fans out there, my beloved Bulls beat the Indiana Pacers tonight to clinch a spot in the second round of the NBA playoffs. They were originally up 3 games to none, with an opportunity to sweep the Pacers on Saturday but didn’t take advantage of their chance. So apparently tonight the Bulls thought it would be a good time to put these Pacers to rest once and for all, and that’s exactly what they did. I could not contain my excitement at the game, I was literally acting as if I myself was part of the Bulls squad hitting 3-pointer after 3-pointer after 3-pointer. This then got me thinking…why is it so “weird” if a girl is into sports? Is this just a sexist thing that has always been part of society? Why are men thought of to be more athletic in general as well as more knowledgeable on sports topics while girls aren’t? Maybe it’s just me but I’m proud to know my sports facts, especially for my Bulls! Hopefully, the Bulls will be able to keep up the “pace” and continue on for another ring to add to the franchise’s collection!
Shawt Bus Shawty
Third time's the charm.
As many may have heard, Lindsay Lohan has been sentenced to jail time along with community service once again. A part of me feels bad, it's like it never ends for the girl. For Lindsay it should start feeling a like second home by now, but this time not only is she getting jail time for the third time in a row for her necklace theft case, but she is also getting sentenced to community service work both at the Downtown Women's Center in Los Angeles but also to janitorial work at a Morgue, where she will indeed see dead bodies.
Judge Sautner's intentions are clear here-she is not going off easy on her by any means, especially with her notorious victim mentality, carelessness, and unrealistic mentality of what her life really looks like at the moment. A few years back, Lindsay was a "star." Young, hot, the next big thing, you name it, but we have to remember-this was almost a decade ago and quite frankly there is new talent out there that can do her job just as well as-or better than she might have done back in 2004. She wants to regain her significance within the film industry, but she is up against raw amazing talent that does not have all these mishaps going on in their lives. For Lindsay it's a tough call now, because not many directors will have her in mind as their first choice. Lindsay still wants to prove herself as an actress even recently scoring a confirmed new gig on a Gotti biopic (which has been confirmed after speculation and rumors). Unfortunately, in the eyes of the judges, attorneys, film execs, and the public, she cannot be taken seriously at this point. She is on the receiving end of the information that is being slapped straight in her face, with a sentence that has no room for her have any sort of leeway in. She may play the victim role well, but the girl needs to stop with her tremendous sense of entitlement which shows through her choice of dress to court (the world is her runway), her still going to clubs (despite that being the trigger for her drinking and drug use), and looking for acting jobs during this time. As trite as it may sound, Lindsay needs a reality check, and maybe the best one for her will be viewing dead bodies-a sentence unlike any others she's had so far. She needs to pick herself up by separating herself from everything that she knows and build herself up even if it hurts a bit.
Facebook on my TV, TV on my Facebook
While watching my daily dose of television I encountered a Verizon Fios Commercial that described the intensity of their new televisions, which have supernatural capabilities such as weather programming and telepathic advertisements. Not really…but close enough to reality. The commercial promotes the cable’s ability to check and update Facebook statues, browse the web, check the weather, make dinner reservations, etc. etc. Whatever happened to the days where a television was aimed to provide entertainment, news, and sports? We now live in a world where there seems to be a dying urge to keep advancing; yet the true nature of these advancements is quite ambiguous. I personally do not plan to own a 3D television until they become the standard, and hope that the day where I sit my lazy behind on my couch and struggle to reach a few feet for my laptop, so instead decide to update my Facebook status of “OMG watching television for 8 hours” on my remote control. I sincerely hope that this isn’t the direction of our future, but it almost undeniably is. The Y2K generation, our children, will be caught up in a world of virtual reality far beyond anything we could have imagined. Combining these is not a conscious effort of efficiency, it is a battle to dominate our already diminishing attention spans to focus it all on one device. These kids won’t be able to separate their television preferences from their Facebook lives, and so forth. Yes this technology is fascinating and in some ways downright cool, but maybe our leading scientists should try and develop something that will help improve our overall lifestyle, not our unnecessary devotion to luxuries. - Craig Shepherd
Flawed economy? Who cares, it's the Royal Wedding!
It seems that the entire world is going crazy for the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. Not a day has gone by these past couple of weeks that I don’t hear something regarding the count down for the wedding. Alas the day will finally arrive this Friday. However, one cannot help but question, with an event with such huge media coverage will this be in benefit for the audience and economy of England? It is set that the royal wedding will of course be televised and that it will not go under any commercial interruptions. The ITV is the public serviced network of British commercial television broadcasters; therefore ITV is then forced to screen the royal wedding without any commercial breaks under rules. Which is then going to equal to 8 million pounds in lost advertisement revenue. Although, there will be some loss in the advertisement, it is rumored that the overall wedding will bring a couple of billions in revenue into England’s economy. According to the Bloomberg British site, the economy has fallen down quite significantly this year first with an increased tax and not the mention the cutting back of approximately 300,000 public sector jobs in order to aid the budget deficit (Donaldson). It may seem that the economy will ride like a roller coaster, but yet the people of England along with the million of other viewers across the world will be cheering and glued to their TV screen Friday, all for the pure essence of entertainment.
Skinny Obsession

Diet Pepsi has recently introduced their new “Diet Pepsi Skinny”, which is a new look for the same drink, the difference being in the size of the can. Unlike previous cans, this new “Skinny” is taller and thinner, which has automatically caused controversy amongst consumers. Many consumers believe that this new can promotes the image of thin women, while the company as well as other consumers argue that the can is simply a new way to fashion the drink. Jill Beraud, the Chief Marketing Office in PepsiCo. states the “slim, attractive new can is the perfect complement to today's most stylish looks… it is a taller, sassier" version of the traditional can that … was made in celebration of beautiful, confident women.” (Beraud). On the flip side, the National Eating Disorders Association has taken offense to the can, arguing that it presents the wrong image to contemporary women, forcing them to believe that “skinny is sexy”.
I can certainly agree with both sides of the arguments. I understand how the new “Skinny” can be viewed as offensive since it does use the word skinny, a typically negative connoted word, in its description. However, I also think that perhaps the National Eating Disorders Association is taking offense more than it should; when it comes down to the basics, it is, after all, a can. There are other controversies in fashion and media that should take precedence over a soda can.
Although I do believe that PepsiCo was not necessarily in the wrong for creating this can, I do believe that they should have named it differently. As I previously stated, the word “skinny” usually has negative, unhealthy connotations; for the most part, society prefers words such as “slim” or “sleek”. In addition, the Skinny Can was created to be a fashionable looking can, rather than to suggest a certain diet (as the soda within the can has not changed). Perhaps the company should have named the can “Sleek Can” in order to avoid such negative criticism while maintaining their initial goal of fashion through aluminum.
BP or BS?
The oil spill caused by BP due to the explosion of an oilrig on the Gulf Coast approximately a year ago, is reportedly the worst in history. It effected the environment and the people who live in the region. Especially since the people who live in states who were devastated by the event make a living by working in the oil industry or seafood industry. In an attempt to win peoples’ respect back, BP has created a YOUTUBE channel with a collection of videos to convince people that they are doing their job by explaining how they went about to create a solution to the disastrous event which they caused. Numerous commercials such as the one above have also been created. This commercial targets the every day individual in an attempt to get them to stop boycotting and start pumping their vehicles with BP gas. By showing how the restaurant owners in Louisiana have managed to keep their business running, BP ensures viewers that these owners have managed to come ahead of a disastrous event. The food and their lives appear to be promising. BP is saying that the problem has been resolved in hopes that viewers will eat it up. However, what the commercial does not show is the evidence. BP might think that the average individual will not research or argue the claim. Of course when you evaluate yourself, the results are going to show that you’re doing just fine. Other environmentalists who do not identify themselves with the company have found that oil is still found on the shores of Louisiana thanks to backlight technology. This is an attempt to shame BP into continuing its cleanup.
Is He Just Not That Into You?
Over this past weekend, some of my friends and I decided to have a girls night. You know, eat ice cream, paint nails, and watch a chick flick. Well, the movie we decided to watch (one of my favorites) was “He’s Just Not That Into You”, which made me question how being female affects one’s dating life.
I guess I was brought up that the guy always makes the first move: if he likes you, he calls you, asks you out on a date, or simply pays you some attention. But why, I always wondered, was it frowned upon for the girl to make the first move? Like, what if the guy was shy, or nervous to ask you about because he felt you were so much better than him? Isn’t that being slightly sexist?
I’m not going to lie, I like it when the guy makes the first move, but why is it frowned upon if the girl does it? Does it really mean he isn’t into you? Or do we still live in a slightly old fashioned society where a man needs to treat a woman ultra special? I am not complaining about this, but I don’t think a woman should be scolded if she makes the first move.
As far as the rest of the movie goes, it is pretty accurate how girls make up excuses for guys if they don’t call you back, but I was happy to see that they also added the male version of this so it wasn’t totally sexist.
I guess when you are into someone, you want them to pay you attention, no matter.

In preparation for the Blackhawks game tonight, I find it suiting to write about Patrick Kane’s somewhat dwindling reputation. He is a phenomenal player, no doubt, but his outside the rink seems to be having an effect on his abilities on the ice. Compared to last season’s statistics, Kane’s goal points have fallen throughout this season. An article from NBC reported Kane missing two days of practice due to “flu-like symptoms,” but pictures of him out partying late into that previous Sunday morning later surfaced. IN 2009 he was charged with disorderly conduct in New York for assaulting a cab driver.
I understand that he is a 22-year-old NHL millionaire, but I can’t help but wonder if all his partying is taking a toll on the team. The Hawks barely made it into the playoffs this year, and were losing 3-0 to the Vancouver Canucks in this series before fellow team mate Dave Bolland came back to save the day. He’s a good looking guy, in my opinion, but I think that a lesson in humility would do him some good. He’s wasting his potential on boozing around Chicago and flaunting the fact that he shot the Stanley Cup winning goal last season.
With that said, I think the media should stop focusing on everything Kane is doing (even though he draws attention to himself everywhere he goes). With a personality like his, the media is only making matters worse because he loves the attention.
NBC article:
Patrick Kane's statistics:
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Torchwood: Children of Earth
For my blog this week, I have chosen to write about Torchwood, a popular show on BBC currently in its 6th season. The season I have focused on is called Children of Earth. It is only 5 episodes long but tells the story about an alien group called the 456 trying to capture 10% of the earth's children. As I start watching the show I am amazed at how this show has not been brought to America yet. It is thrilling, intelligent, and has an interesting story line. But as I further continue watching, I notice things that might be too inappropriate for the American eye. Torchwood's main taboo is its exploitation of children. In the show, we see the children possessed by the aliens, reciting a message in unison. Later on in the show, you see one child literally die with his ears bleeding and him compulsively shaking. What is even more twisted is that his grandfather was the one who sacrificed his grandson to be dead. Controversial issues are brought up such as sacrifice and family. But out of all that, what is most absurd about the show is the reason for the children even being wanted by the aliens. They do not need the aliens to survive but rather to be used as a drug.
"Kourtney and Kim Take New York"
The credits open with a long shot camera technique so that the audience will be aware of the setting, which in this case it is New York City. The clip proceeds to show Kourtney stepping out of a luxurious vehicle onto what can be presumed to be new grounds for her; this is can be inferred by her facial expression as soon as she steps out. A signifier of leopard print heels illustrates the boldness. In addition, the camera speeding down the street lanes can be a metaphor for life in the fast lane. It is obvious that both women pertain the upper class. One example that can suggest this is Kim’s fur coat. In the clip, Kim Kardashian is portrayed as a sex symbol due to the group of admiring men, all of who vary when it comes to race. What is even more interesting is that the opening credits suggest that she doesn’t even have to dress promiscuous to attract their attention. This could illustrate her already known mass appeal. In addition, Kim’s playful personality is portrayed when she wraps her legs around her sister. Both individuals fulfill the social roles of popular independent women who are ready to conquer the prosperous urban environment known for the art/fashion scene. Especially since after all the point of the spin off was so that they could open and promote a new DASH store located in the big apple. Therefore, the hype for their New York adventure is created through the theme song. The song, “I’m in New York Trick” by LMFAO also suggests their youthfulness without the need to display their nightlife. To add to the hype, the camera editing technique employed in this case is a cut from visual to visual, which according to the Berg article illustrates “simultaneity” or “excitement.”
3-D Erotic Comedy
Rolling Deep in the Rolling Stone Magazine
British singer/songwriter Adele graces the cover of Rolling Stone magazine for the month of April, looking stunning, if I may say so myself. In the article, she claims that she doesn’t have “time to worry about something as petty as how I look” and she also makes a jab at how other artists like to show their bodies and enjoy being seen as sex icons; but she explains that’s not her.
“I love seeing Katy Perry’s boobs and bum. Love it. But that’s not what my music is about,” she states. “I don’t make music for eyes.”
The ‘heartbreak superstar’ is one of the few singers nowadays who has much talent to showcase, more than her physical attributes. While many young popstars of today are seen on covers of magazines and in their own music videos in almost to no clothing, Adele gives her fans great vocals and sensational songs to forward to. At just 22, Adele is truly an inspiration breaking records sales and winning Grammys.
“I make music for ears,” she says, and we can’t help but enjoy listening.
- Eydie Guerrero
Your Beer Doesn't Think You're Man Enough
It seems that the advertisements of major American beer companies negate the fact that women consume a large enough portion of their product that they should at least be marketed towards. Using the “Man Up” slogan, Miller Light describes itself as a personification of manhood, an especially manly beer. Only, here’s where that description loses credibility: a woman is in the position of guiding the lost man to a better choice of beer, this while the man submissively and subversively communicates feelings of attraction toward her. She hints that she would be more attracted to him if he drank Miller Light and abandoned certain disingenuous and ridiculous, stereotypically feminine subculture fashion statements; he would then be more manly. This woman is the authority on taste and respectability. Now does she think highly enough of Miller Light to drink it herself? Or does she simply have the human decency to suggest it to this dog who was going to drink something pretty closely resembling piss (if it is worse than Miller Light)?
If one of these companies championed itself as a favorite of women everywhere, it should expect to see results in its sales. However, the progression towards that message is going to be a very slow process. Anyways, it’s not like there’s a stigma against women drinking these beers. Is there? Miller Light should hire the ghost of George Washington Hill in the PR department.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
A Sucker Punch to Gender Roles
-Ali Carlson