Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Flawed economy? Who cares, it's the Royal Wedding!

It seems that the entire world is going crazy for the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. Not a day has gone by these past couple of weeks that I don’t hear something regarding the count down for the wedding. Alas the day will finally arrive this Friday. However, one cannot help but question, with an event with such huge media coverage will this be in benefit for the audience and economy of England? It is set that the royal wedding will of course be televised and that it will not go under any commercial interruptions. The ITV is the public serviced network of British commercial television broadcasters; therefore ITV is then forced to screen the royal wedding without any commercial breaks under rules. Which is then going to equal to 8 million pounds in lost advertisement revenue. Although, there will be some loss in the advertisement, it is rumored that the overall wedding will bring a couple of billions in revenue into England’s economy. According to the Bloomberg British site, the economy has fallen down quite significantly this year first with an increased tax and not the mention the cutting back of approximately 300,000 public sector jobs in order to aid the budget deficit (Donaldson). It may seem that the economy will ride like a roller coaster, but yet the people of England along with the million of other viewers across the world will be cheering and glued to their TV screen Friday, all for the pure essence of entertainment.

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