Friday, June 3, 2011
The new Megan Fox.
The new transformers movie is going to come out this summer, but this time the lead female role and love interest will no longer be played by the beloved by men Megan Fox. This time around, director Michael Bay has chosen Victoria's secret model Rosie Hunington-Whitely-a tall blond-as Megan Fox's replacement. This New York Times article features an interview with Shia Labouf about the departure of Megan Fox from the third Transformers installment, and he speaks of Fox's insecurities of being put in the spotlight essentially through one film series and subsequently being perceived as the sexiest woman in America. He talks about how she was uncomfortable with Michael Bay's demands for the role, which didn't involve a lot of lines, but rather sexy poses and a lot plain old "looking hot." This article perfectly ties into the idea of the male gaze and the fetishistic perception of an ideal woman being portrayed through a camera lens. Since Fox no longer felt comfortable doing the same thing for three films in a row, he ended up hiring an alternate that happens to be a Victoria Secret model; obviously sexy poses are what she does for a living so this acting job would not be much of an insecurity issue for her. It is fascinating to see how directors will use woman in order to make money, because for example, this is Rosie's first acting job. It proves that the image of a woman's body is the ideal way of making profit of a big Hollywood Blockbuster in America.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Hangover Drops the N Bomb
Four Weddings
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Illinois grants same-sex marriage.
The Great Idiot of Social Science Goes Too Far

Satoshi Kanazawa, author of a very contentious blog in Psychology Today recently wrote (and quickly deleted) a very racist post. However, you can't really delete anything on the internet. It's right here. Some things you should know about Satoshi Kanazawa: there is currently a campaign for his dismissal from the University of London as a professor of economics, when you search his name in google, google suggests 'Satoshi Kanazawa Idiot' (his nickname in the title of this blog post, given to him by evolutionary biologist P.Z. Meyers, has stuck), he thinks Ann Coulter, if she were president, would have handled 9/11 and its aftermath better than anybody else he could think of, he has an interest in prostitutes.
A BIG Help

The horrific storms and tornados that ripped through Missouri last week left quite the mess with the people of Joplin. After seeing pictures, I couldn’t believe that some people were left with absolutely nothing and even lost family members. Gosh, what a horrible horrible disaster to have happen. While reading an article on CNN about the cleanup that is occurring in Missouri, I saw that an elephant from a nearby circus was brought in. Not only did the elephant provide somewhat of a happy entertainment for the folks of the town to see, but it also helped move heavy debris. I feel that this was a great idea to not only help out the town but also help lift spirits in town at the same time. Some people were outraged claiming that the elephant was in danger. I’m no expert on elephants, but I don’t see the big deal? They are one of the strongest and largest animals, so wouldn’t it make sense to have allowed it to help with a natural disaster? Maybe it’s just me, but I think whoever allowed for the use of this animal did a good thing for the town and its people in an effort to a speedy recovery.
He Did WHAT!?

The Name Game

So Kim Kardashian is choosing to ditch her last name, and that is shocking to us? I mean all we’ve heard about is how Kim is “desperate” to get married and how she wants her “fairy-tale wedding”, why wouldn’t she think to change her name? I understand that many celebrities decide not to do so because they still want to be recognized for who are they are and the work they have accomplished, but why is it such a big deal for her to change her name? I feel that it is most appropriate for her to do so because of how much she longed publically for her prince charming. Going along with the whole traditional marriage thing (and not getting married in a few short days quite like Khloe did) it would only make sense to change her name. From the article I read, it seems as though Kris Jenner doesn’t want Kim to change it, especially because of how much her name is worth to fans. But look at Kris Jenner, hers is changed too, isn’t it?
The Wire

OK, I might be a little late, but my boyfriend and I have been watching The Wire via DVD. It was very interesting. I admit, I like it, a lot. I cannot wait until I have more time to watch more of the show. We only got through season 1, but season 1 is all that you need to keep you coming back. The show is primarily about drug dealers, the drug game, and the narcotics team that are after them. The drug lords in the wire are Black, and this is what really caught my attention. I began to wonder would I have the same interest in this show if they were not Black? Also while watching the show, the Smith-Shomada article we read in week 3 stuck out. I am not quite sure who the director or producer of the show is, but I feel that the show more than likely was targeting the Black audience. The show portrays Black men as trouble makers, liars, drug lords, and manipulators. The Wire premiered on HBO, a fairly mainstream network. I wonder if it made its premier on BET would the hype around The Wire have been the same. BET was criticized about showing Blacks in a not so positive light and for the uplifting of Blacks not being their 1st priority. So why is HBO not criticized for how they have portrayed Blacks. Shows such as The Wire are entertaining and obviously made a profit because it had more than one season. I just do not understand why HBO is not criticized for making a buck while BET is criticized for trying to make the same buck.
The show is every interesting and it gives viewers some sort of insight to the drug game and what is happening on a lot of urban streets. However, my concern is the relationship between the success of the show and the television network. AP
The Internet is Everything.
Cheryl Cole is out.
You Got the Wrong TV, SILLY Head
There is a recent commercial for Best Buy's new buyback program, where they offer a ridiculous deal to buy back any item you have bought once the new one comes out. The commercial parodies our obsession with having "the newest" technology available, even though we know the corporations already have their next item prepared before the last one even hits the shelves. The best part of the commercial is the father, who has just purchased a 3D television, being taunted by his young daughter when the 4D comes out. She adorably tells him "you bought the wrong TV, silly head", but she is completely right despite her naivety. This concept is something that is torturing our world, as we are letting the political economy of technology and entertainment overtake any level of sensibility. It is obvious that when they come out with the IPhone 1G there will be at least 5 more g’s to follow, but for some reason we desire each one. This idea is highly reflective of our culture as a whole, because we have become infatuated with being up to date, and have developed some extreme insecurity about not having the latest things. Although this commercial is an advertisement above all else, it does have satirical purposes. Best Buy, a leading seller in electronics, has recognized our recognition of this technology craze, and is finding some way to capitalize on our inherent inability to be content. – C.S.
Should I Dumb It Down for you?

Being simple can be tough at times. If one tries to explain a concept in a simple way, one might think they are simple minded when it could also be the reverse. Harriet Meth is the co-founder of Core Ideas Communications and a full time blogger on Recently, she was asked by a media training client for help with "dumbing down" a intricate idea he wanted to explain in a t.v. interview. Apparently, the reporter and audience were not intelligent enough in the media training clients mind. The client felt it important to say that it must be specifically "dumbed down" a bit. The implication of this is that the client thinks that her audience is stupid which is no way to approach any business decision when it involves potential customers. Insulting one's clientele is an easy way to go out of business and approaching any task with this idea about your clientele gets you going in that direction. A good way of putting it would be to simplify the idea. You can eliminate wordiness and extra fluff by simplifying an idea to it's main core. One can still get their point across by simplifying an idea. "Dumbing down" an idea, or being simplistic, risks insulting the audience and stripping the idea of it's main elements which make it what it is. It can be tough to be simple, but it will pay off in the end. It will also keep respect for your organization if you respect your clientele. - Victor
Ignorance in its purest form.

Lady Gaga Impersonator

In a school district in New Jersey, fifth grade students gossiped about a special teacher that had been helping their regular teacher prepare them for the NJ ASK state administered exams. To reward the students for their hard work preparing for the state exams, this assistant teacher promised the children that Lady Gaga would Skype Video Chat the students. The teacher claimed she worked for MTV previously and that she had the connections to make this Skype video conference. The day finally arrived and the video conference was a success with all students truly believing they had met Lady Gaga online. The students all received personalized autographs to top things off. A few days later, the school notifies parents that the whole thing had been a lie and that the teacher had done this video conference trick in four different elementary schools fooling teachers and students alike. The teacher lied to hundreds of students and allowed an complete stranger enter the classroom and completely lie to them. A student had analyzed the autographs she received with a variety of them online to discover that the whole plan was fake. This has a variety of ethical implications as it involves children who are merely growing up. I can't imagine these students ever having trust or confidence in older people as someone as trust worthy as a teacher blatantly lied to them all. Lying is never good! The reputation and credibility of the teacher and school district is damaged for allowing something like this to happen. What is worst of all is that this involves children who are still learning the up's and down's of life. There is nothing worse then being betrayed at such a young age. You hold on to it forever.