Wednesday, June 1, 2011

You Got the Wrong TV, SILLY Head

There is a recent commercial for Best Buy's new buyback program, where they offer a ridiculous deal to buy back any item you have bought once the new one comes out. The commercial parodies our obsession with having "the newest" technology available, even though we know the corporations already have their next item prepared before the last one even hits the shelves. The best part of the commercial is the father, who has just purchased a 3D television, being taunted by his young daughter when the 4D comes out. She adorably tells him "you bought the wrong TV, silly head", but she is completely right despite her naivety. This concept is something that is torturing our world, as we are letting the political economy of technology and entertainment overtake any level of sensibility. It is obvious that when they come out with the IPhone 1G there will be at least 5 more g’s to follow, but for some reason we desire each one. This idea is highly reflective of our culture as a whole, because we have become infatuated with being up to date, and have developed some extreme insecurity about not having the latest things. Although this commercial is an advertisement above all else, it does have satirical purposes. Best Buy, a leading seller in electronics, has recognized our recognition of this technology craze, and is finding some way to capitalize on our inherent inability to be content. – C.S.

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