Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hangover Drops the N Bomb

I am a fan of the first Hangover, so naturally I went to see the second one. I was excited and sat down with GREAT expectations, but the movie failed me. The humor was so over the top and the plot was exactly the same, just with new locations. I was extremely disappointed. It depicted so many stereotypes. What angered me the most though was the fact that the N word was used MULTIPLE times by three different characters in different ways, none of which were acceptable. I do not mean to spoil the movie at all but the use of the word was by three individuals who were not of African descent and even if they were I still don’t think it was acceptable. The writers then went on to defend the use of the word in an article by saying that, “For someone to say that word so cluelessly, it’s funny because it comes out of a place of ignorance, and Alan doesn’t know any better; he’s just an idiot. Anyone who would say that so loosely is an idiot. That word can be very inflammatory but Alan is such a dimwit, it’s not excusable at all but you’re making fun of people that would say that word.” I however did not see the humor in it at all.


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