Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Rampage Jackson Interview

When first watching this interview I thought it was hilarious. I thought Rampage gave one of the funniest post game interviews I have ever seen in my life. I thought it was playful, funny, and really out there. I also thought very highly of the person giving the interview who I later found out to be Karyn Bryant. She seemed to think it was funny as well and I thought that she was very cool to understand the joke and not take it offensively.

After scrolling down a bit I noticed someone posting a comment about a Maggie Hendricks who at the time I thought to be Karyn Bryant. The comment talked about how she felt it was sexual harassment so I naturally checked it out. It turned out Maggie Hendricks was not affiliated with the situation and was simply a writer for Yahoo Sports.

I have mixed emotions on this topic. For one, I have worked with many female reporters as per interning with Comcast Sportsnet and having a show on Radio DePaul. I understand how it is a disadvantage to be a female trying to break into the sports field and know how tough it must be to often not be taken seriously. I think that it is especially brave of a woman like Karyn Bryant to work in an industry like MMA which is male dominated.

But I also have played sports and have been in a locker room. I can tell you from first hand experience that a male locker room is not the place for a woman to be in. People are naked or close to it, pulling childish pranks, and there is a high testosterone level. I want to leave it off with this question because it is what I will discuss further in my blog paper: Why is it that we do not see men in women's locker rooms but women in men's?

1 comment:

  1. That is something I never thought about. There are always women reporters in all male oriented sport event locker rooms, and yet we do not ever see male reporters at WNBA games or the like. Sports is still predominantly male dominated, and my guess is that males are more comfortable about having that certain space, the locker room, to be spectated and invaded compared to women. It could kind of be why men are more likely to be seen in the gym or beaches without shirts on then women. That could be a bad example, but it's a thought.
