Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Judas is Evil!

This week I came across this video response to Lady Gaga's song Jesus. The song upset a girl so much to the point that it brought her to tears. She claims the song is evil and goes against the Church... woah. I would at least give her some credit if she made some valid arguments. She first claims that Judas is another word for Jesus which is absolutely false. Shout out to my bible buffs: Judas was one of the 12 apostles. He actually betrayed Jesus which makes him a bad boy which is why he happens to turn Lady Gaga on. Which is weird because I thought she was into girls? Whatever the case may be, Judas is not Jesus. The other point she makes is how if one has sex then they go to hell. hmm... Last time I checked, sex was a part of our evolution as a species and she would not be alive without it.

Rather than being angry at the song, she should just be flat out confused as to what is going on in Lady Gaga's head. I mean, I guess the song is catchy, but at what point does Lady Gaga stop making "a statement" and just start acting weird for weird's sake. Sometimes, less is more, and Gaga needs to take a chill pill. Remember the first big song that she came out with? Just Dance. Simple stupid, good song, and it got people moving. Then again, she's making millions, and I am not.

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