In the short film, Logorama, we see an alternate reality in which there is nothing but “Logos,” which are advertisement. The short get’s us to think about the effects that all of these logos influence our lives, especially living in a society which is now saturated with different advertisements from all over. All industries have a targeted market, but at the same time, each industry want to appeal to as many as possible, a result of political economy, and the Logo’s while making fun of advertisement, is also being critical of how our society has changed. For instance, if we look at how women are portrayed as sex objects through the “Esso,” which is the name of an oil and fuel company. This connotes a sense of being taken advantage of, since the world has abused oil and fuel, much like a woman. We also see Ronald McDonald as the bad guy, which would work to paint a picture of childhood obesity, or obesity in general. This can also be seen as a view on McDonald’s as a brand in general. Furthermore, we see the two boys at the zoo, misbehaving and being disrespectful. The colloquialisms used in the film work to heighten the sense of post-modernity and how norms are redefined from generation to generation. Logorama is touching on several themes that force us to look at ourselves as a whole.
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