Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Toyota Kid Cave

This week, I came across this ad for Toyota's new Highlander. The ad struck me a bit odd for two particular reasons. First, the ad is clearly marketed towards kids as if they are the ones with the money! This is strange because after having my study abroad orientation, we just discussed about how in Europe, kids are second class citizens. They do not have a say in what goes on in their household let alone what kind of car to buy. The ad just goes to show how much kids can influence their parents decisions.

The other thing that struck me odd is this individualistic mentality in the commercial. The other kid looks to the kid in the highlander for help, but he simply just puts his headphones on and ignores him: pretty much being like sucks to be you. This is interesting because we are teaching kids to fend for themselves at a young age. It just shows how competitive our culture is and how it will be in the next generation.

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