Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Maddow vs. Cooper

Rachel Maddow believes that network anchors should come out of the closet openly to the public simply being network anchors.  Her most recent comments led to speculation whether or not she was specifically referring to Anderson Cooper, even though she insists they were not.  Either way, Anderson Cooper, though never openly stating to the public that he is gay, has been photographed with his partner on a few occasions.  This obviously leads to the public automatically assuming her comments may covertly be directed towards the popular CNN anchor.

Maddow stated, "I do think that if you're gay you have a responsibility to come out." when referring to network anchors.  She uses the word "responsibility" which I personally find a little bit forward because it is by no means anyone's responsibility who is homosexual to come out.  A person's sexuality, whatever it may be, is their business and only their business.  It may be believed to be a concern solely when it comes to personal views on politics-left wing or right wing, but if he stays neutral on his show, it should not be a big deal.  Coming out is no ones "responsibility" as it already hard enough for any individual who is gay.  In contrast, Maddow's comments where irresponsible and uncalled for.

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