Today, I was in the Student Center, minding my own business when all of a sudden, I was faced with controversy. No, it wasn’t about Presidential candidates for next year’s election, or even the current SGA election being held. It involved hummus.
Later on, I soon realized that not only students and staff members at DePaul were affected by this, but also the entire Chicago community. How? Well, apparently the Chicago news decided they have nothing better to report except for this controversy of whether or not the hummus brand DePaul provides is ethical. I, for one, do not know too much about the issue on why this controversy is occurring, but I will say this:
Shouldn’t the news be focusing on more important issues that are occurring in the Chicago-land? Shouldn’t us Chicagoans be focused on the gang-related activity that is happening in our neighborhoods, or the missing 6-year old from the suburb of Aurora? I am sad to see where the news is focusing on. Instead of stating important news, they report on, essentially, hummus.
I firmly believe that there does need to be a balance of soft and hard news, but honestly, who cares about what type of hummus DePaul sells in the cafeteria besides DePaul staff members and students? I personally think this is silly. I rather watch the news to learn about different bills being passed in the state or of any shootings that can endanger my own life. But hummus?
Let’s just hope next week the news doesn’t start reporting on how these SGA elections went. I honestly then do not know what the media news has come to if that was the case. -Alex Higgins
Yea, I heard about this and was a little flabbergasted myself. I agree with you on the fact that there are more important stories out there currently that deal with more pressing issues such as the missing little girl. I'm not media competent on the hummus issue, but I believe the issue behind the hummus has to do with Palestinian and Israeli conflicts. Even though I don't know anything more than that I feel like any religious struggle can be related to the 'us and them' mentality that hegemony brings. Making one group of people inferior to the next because it is the 'other' and different is kind of what's going on here and has been going on for so long. It's sad to see something as innocent as hummus being turned into a religious or political debacle but such is life in today's society.