Tuesday, April 26, 2011

BP or BS?

The oil spill caused by BP due to the explosion of an oilrig on the Gulf Coast approximately a year ago, is reportedly the worst in history. It effected the environment and the people who live in the region. Especially since the people who live in states who were devastated by the event make a living by working in the oil industry or seafood industry. In an attempt to win peoples’ respect back, BP has created a YOUTUBE channel with a collection of videos to convince people that they are doing their job by explaining how they went about to create a solution to the disastrous event which they caused. Numerous commercials such as the one above have also been created. This commercial targets the every day individual in an attempt to get them to stop boycotting and start pumping their vehicles with BP gas. By showing how the restaurant owners in Louisiana have managed to keep their business running, BP ensures viewers that these owners have managed to come ahead of a disastrous event. The food and their lives appear to be promising. BP is saying that the problem has been resolved in hopes that viewers will eat it up. However, what the commercial does not show is the evidence. BP might think that the average individual will not research or argue the claim. Of course when you evaluate yourself, the results are going to show that you’re doing just fine. Other environmentalists who do not identify themselves with the company have found that oil is still found on the shores of Louisiana thanks to backlight technology. This is an attempt to shame BP into continuing its cleanup.

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