Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Sucker Punch to Gender Roles

                                                           (Photo Credit)

So the other day I came across the preview for the new movie Sucker Punch. Let’s just say It’s nothing that I really cared to see. This is my thought process because by judging from its main characters, the movie is nothing but eye candy for men. There's nothing wrong with that, but I feel like the movie's going to have blatent cheese and stereotypical fantasy's screaming from the screen to men everywhere. The girl's in the movie are clad with sexy 'fighting' gear, makeup, and done up hair. Is this empowering to women or degrading? Or is it neither, and just simply fun? Being a free spirit myself, I feel that self-expression comes in many forms, and some women dress 'skimpy' because they like having the freedom to do so. Yet with this film, I feel like the sole purpose is to attract men with the ideal girl that is 'hot' and able to 'kick ass'.

My notice in the film isn't being blogged about to rant or discourage people from seeing it, nor is it to shed a bad light. I just wanted to point out the fact that as a woman, I notice the intent behind the film and can't help but recognize the theme that it woman are framed as 'sexier' when she breaks her gender roles in society and is more than a dainty flower or house wife. When you put combat boots and skimpy clothing not only is the female attractive because of appearance, but the fact that she can kick butt and do more than what is expected of woman, then she automatically becomes superior to other woman and more desired.

By casting women in a role that sheds light to gender roles, it is almost increasing or enhancing gender role expectations because it is exploiting the lead characters as taboos or something not usually seen in an everyday setting or not normal and therefore better. 

-Ali Carlson

1 comment:

  1. Is there really nothing wrong with this film being simply eye candy for men? Culturally, we are starting to be obsessed with the idea of women avengers. I haven't seen this movie, but it looks like a mess of disparate genre tropes, much like Kill Bill. I think a friend of mine said it best when he said that Suckerpunch looked as though somebody went to the new release wall at Gamestop and thought it was a storyboard for a movie.
