Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Is He Just Not That Into You?

Over this past weekend, some of my friends and I decided to have a girls night. You know, eat ice cream, paint nails, and watch a chick flick. Well, the movie we decided to watch (one of my favorites) was “He’s Just Not That Into You”, which made me question how being female affects one’s dating life.

I guess I was brought up that the guy always makes the first move: if he likes you, he calls you, asks you out on a date, or simply pays you some attention. But why, I always wondered, was it frowned upon for the girl to make the first move? Like, what if the guy was shy, or nervous to ask you about because he felt you were so much better than him? Isn’t that being slightly sexist?

I’m not going to lie, I like it when the guy makes the first move, but why is it frowned upon if the girl does it? Does it really mean he isn’t into you? Or do we still live in a slightly old fashioned society where a man needs to treat a woman ultra special? I am not complaining about this, but I don’t think a woman should be scolded if she makes the first move.

As far as the rest of the movie goes, it is pretty accurate how girls make up excuses for guys if they don’t call you back, but I was happy to see that they also added the male version of this so it wasn’t totally sexist.

I guess when you are into someone, you want them to pay you attention, no matter.

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